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 Animal anesthesia machine  (2016-05-13)
I have order animal anesthesia machine,i want to know that how to check the leakage of anesthesia machine?
Tidal volume measurement: scheduled TV, then the elastic respiratory capsule (simulated lung), respectively, measured in the suction side and exhaled TV, if the two are the same, indicating no leakage. The oxygen flow in the loop was closed, and the degree of lung inflation and the decrease of TV were observed. If the TV gradually reduced or simulated the degree of lung inflation decreased, there was a leak.
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 Syringe pump (2016-05-06)
Do you have double syringe pump?
Yes,We have,could you tell me your email? I want to send you syringe pump brochure.
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 animal test card (2016-05-06)
Do you have dog and cat use animal test card?
Yes,We have.Giardia Test Kit use for dog and cat.
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 Animal test card (2016-04-29)
How many kind of animal test card for animal using?
Hello,dear.we have CDV,CPV,CCV,CHW,CAV,FIV,FPV,FIP etc aimal test card.Which kind animal test card do you need?
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 Handheld animal patient monitor (2016-04-28)
Hello,i want to order handheld animal patient montor,do you have?
Yes,we have handheld patient monitor.
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