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Feline leukemia virus knowledge
The cat leukemia virus virus completely, the genetic information exists on viral RNA, does not rely on other virus complete self replication process. This virus is sensitive to ether and bile salt, heat 56 degrees Celsius, 30 minutes can be inactivated. Commonly used disinfectants and acid environment (pH<4.5) can also make their inactivation. But there is a certain resistance to ultraviolet light.
clinical features
The disease clinical symptoms in addition to general gradual weight loss, anorexia, depression, anemia, the typical symptom vary according to the site of the tumor.
Abdominal type: the most common, accounting for 30% of the sick cat. The virus mainly damage the intestinal lymphatic tissue and mesenteric lymph nodes, and spread to the liver, spleen, kidney and other adjacent organs, causing tumors of these organs. Palpate palpable tumors. Clinically visible mucosal pale, anemia, weight loss, loss of appetite, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea.
Thoracic type: the virus is mainly against the thymus, spread to mediastinal lymph nodes. Feel bump in the front of the lateral Thoracico abdominal palpation. In severe cases, the tumor mass can be accounted for two-thirds of the chest at the same time, because the tumor can pleural effusion, dyspnea, dysphagia symptoms. Suffering from a cat mouth breathing, circulatory disorder, performance is very painful. X light photography can be seen in the chest there is a tumor. Clinical anatomy of mediastinal lymph nodes in cats. This type is more common in young cats.
Diffuse; viruses lymph nodes all over the body, systemic superficial lymph nodes, liver and spleen spread enlargement, superficial lymph node can touch (in front of the jaw, shoulders, knees and groin) swollen lump. Cats with emaciation, anemia, performance by food, depression and other symptoms.
Lymphatic leukemia: the virus mainly against the bone marrow, causing abnormal proliferation of white blood cells, and spread to the spleen, liver and lymph nodes, etc.. Clinical symptoms of intermittent fever, weight loss, pale mucous membranes, skin and mucosal bleeding spots.
Epidemiological characteristics
The disease is infected with the disease cat, its saliva, feces, urine, milk, nasal secretions contain virus, through the respiratory tract, digestive tract infection to the healthy cat. In addition, the embryo can be transmitted through the placenta of the sick cat.

Young cats are more susceptible to infection than adult cats. The incubation period of the cat can be discharged through the saliva of high concentration of virus, the virus can enter the cat in the trachea, nasal cavity, oral epithelial cells and epithelial cells of the salivary glands.


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