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 syringe pump (2016-04-01)
How many channel about syringe pump
About syringe pump,we have single channel ans double channels syringe pump
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 Surgical gown (2016-03-30)
Whether or not the surgical gown is reused?
Wondcon washable bloodproof waterproof surgical gown can make water, pus, blood, urine, stool, sputum and other liquid can't penetrate the interior, is three a through a resistance. It can reduce the incidence of hospital infection, and because of its good durability, can be repeated use, safe and energy conservation and environmental protection.
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 breathing bag (2016-03-25)
Do you have reused breathing bag?
Yes,we have,our reused breathing bag is black latex breathing bag.
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 Application of anesthesia mask (2016-03-24)
what is the application of anesthesia mask?
Anesthesia mask is designed for oxygen therapy,aerosol therapy, anesthesia and resuscitation for small animals.
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 cancel order (2016-03-18)
How to cancel order your product ?
When you are ready to cancel order,please contact us by email or fax and list cancel which invoice number.
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