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 Order product (2016-03-16)
How to order your product
When you are ready to order, please contact us to confirm current prices, payment arrangement, availability, and delivery time of your medical equipment or accessories. Whenever possible, we request a hard copy purchase order to ensure that your order is processed properly.
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 What's your company cooperation method? (2016-03-12)
What's your company cooperation method?
Wondcon would like to cooperate with client by normal distribute,OEM,ODM,CKD,SKD etc
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 shipping terms (2016-03-06)
What's your shipping terms?
Wondcon offers express,air,sea shipping methods.Client can choose anyone depends on detail situation
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 training policy (2016-03-04)
What's your training policy?
Wondcon offers free product training for clients.Clients can choose video,voice,email,skype for online training.Moreover,Wondcon has client training courses every year,client can visit Wondcon for face to face training.Meanwhile,Wondcon support training in client's office as required.
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 How to maintenance the product if it has problem? (2016-03-02)
How to maintenance the product if it has problem?
We have professional engineers,they can solve the problem by communicating with your engineer by skype or phone.
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